umbrella with little feet sticking out

Three signs you need life insurance (today)

There’s no day like today to protect what matters most with life insurance.

1. People depend on you
You’re irreplaceable. But if you pass away, a life insurance
policy ensures your loved ones receive a payout to support
themselves during a difficult time. They can use the money for
groceries, rent, and any other expenses you know they’d need.

2. You just did something big
If you recently opened a business, grew your family, bought
a house, or got hitched… congrats! All the more reason to get
life insurance and protect those close to you.

3. You want to save money
While you may age like a fine wine, life insurance rates
don’t—they get more expensive every year. Lock in your price
now to avoid overpaying later.

Is life insurance affordable?
Your price will vary, but most people overestimate the cost of coverage by more than
300%.† It’s worth getting a free instant quote to see your estimate. (No medical exams or blood tests. Starting from $7/month.

Is life insurance through work enough?
It’s a good start! Experts say your coverage should be worth 10x your annual income.
Most employer plans cover about 1x your salary. Consider getting an additional policy
to make sure you have enough.

What if I don’t work?
Even if you’re not a breadwinner, your family would have to make up for all the work
you do at home. The costs of replacing childcare and running the household can add
up fast—life insurance helps ease the burden.

Get instant life insurance (start your quote here)